Afghan Next Generation

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Non-Violent Resistance

Non-violent resistance is the only way against bullies and religious dictators.

Afghanistan is one of the most insecure and poor countries in the world. A collapsed economy and a lawless system are two important characteristics of a country called Afghanistan. More than 30 million Afghans lead their daily lives in the worst conditions. Maybe millions of Afghans ask what should be done? Or how to get rid of religious rulers and existing conditions. Afghan political groups and the international community have their own plans for inclusive governance. But the inclusive government does not heal the pain because the combination of the corrupters of the previous government with the power-seeking rulers does not change the existing economic and social situation.

In my opinion, the only method and way against bullies and dominators is non-violent resistance.

What is non-violent resistance?

Nonviolent resistance or the act of achieving goals through symbolic demonstrations, civil disobedience, economic and political non-participation, and other methods, without the use of violence. Nonviolent resistance is largely synonymous with civil resistance.

Among the prominent figures in the field of nonviolent resistance, we can mention Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Michael Nagler, Mubarak Awad, An Sang Suji, Adam Milichink, Leo Tolstoy, Andrei Sakharov, Jr., Vaslav Howell, Jane Sharpe, Lech Walesa, etc. .

(source Wikipedia)

There can be different plans of non-violent resistance in Afghanistan. But I want to raise some key points that will help this movement to be successful:

First: unity and equality of all ethnicities religious groups of Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, there can be no such thing as the majority ethnic group or superiority of a one ethnic group over others. It means that all ethnicities and religious groups should join this non-violent resistance.

Second: This resistance, like the people of India, must be indiginous or from within Afghanistan. Any guidance and orders from abroad or other countries will cause the failure of this resistance.

Third: non-violent resistance should be carried out in such a way that no one is harmed. It means that it is a means of pressure on the ruling system and not on the subjects or the people.

Dissatisfaction with the economic situation or poverty is the beginning of this resistance, and the rights of girls for education can give this resistance tremendous energy.

I have full confidence that non-violent resistance, if it starts locally in Afghanistan, will turn into a whole movement across Afghanistan.

Nonviolent resistance is much easier and harmless than armed resistance. Almost all non-violent resistance movements in the world have won victory over the self declared rulers. Afghan people have the strength, creativity and talent to liberate themselves.