Vision and mission statement: We aim to enlighten the soul, heart and life of the people of Afghanistan.

We implement our vision and mission statement by doing these things …

First: We help Afghans learn literacy and knowledge using the latest achievements of science and technology and how to apply what they’ve learned in their lives.

Ferdousi, a famous Persian poet, once said … “The one who has knowledge is able to do things. From knowledge, the heart of an old person becomes young.”

Second: Afghans question all values of life and we help them to search for truth and find truth for themselves. Complete freedom is in truth.

Third: Lies and corruption are the greatest enemies of man because they undermine human dignity. We encourage Afghans to not lie and to stay away from corruption.

Finally: we don’t blame others for what happens in our lives. We take responsibility for our own lives. We are trying to create positive change for ourselves, our families and all Afghans.